Sleep: Quality And Quantity Starts With Your Mattress

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Getting adequate and restful sleep is vital to our health. A healthy adult whose age range is from 26 to 64 years old may need an average of 7 to 9 hours of quality sleep every night. Now, even if a healthy adult gets the quantity of sleep, the quality of sleep is actually the driving factor in which our bodies need to stay healthy. For instance, you may think you have slept a full 9 hours last night, but when you woke up this morning you felt like you didn’t get any sleep at all. You realize that you’ve been tossing and turning all night long. As you get up from your mattress you feel like you’ve been running a marathon. Sore and tired, you are feeling a lot of aches and pains around your body. You’re wondering, “How am I going to change this. I’m tired, literally. I’ve had this mattress for quite some time now.” Getting quality sleep starts with your mattress. Today, we will discuss some signs that may indicate your mattress needs to be replaced.

Aches And Pains

So you’re sitting on your mattress getting ready to begin your day. As you stand up, you feel utterly exhausted and feel sore throughout your body. Your back hurts and your legs feel numb. This is a sign your mattress may be at fault. As mentioned, you’ve had your mattress for quite some time. The average mattress should be replaced every eight to ten years. Mattresses that have reached eight years worth of use will begin to lose its effectiveness and begin to deteriorate. Sags and lumps are found throughout the mattress. These sags and lumps are one of the reasons why you feel exhausted when you get up in the morning. Depending on the type of mattress you currently have, consider purchasing a different type of mattress the next time you do. For example, a Taylor and Wells Mattress can be made of memory foam or innerspring. You may currently have a memory foam mattress but may consider switching to an innerspring mattress for more support.


If you notice that you’re sneezing more often while laying in bed, chances are it may be because your mattress has accumulated a good amount of allergens. Perhaps you’ve noticed your nose gets a little runny while you’re on your mattress. Throughout time, allergens build up in a mattress, especially if your mattress has been with you for more than 8 years. These allergens may include dust, dust mites, mold, and mildew to just mention a few. So the next time you sneeze or grab that tissue on your side table, consider purchasing a new mattress.

Difficulty In Breathing

Aside from allergies, you may have experienced difficulty in breathing when going to bed at night. You toss, turn, and gasp for air. You don’t have asthma or do not have any sleep conditions to your knowledge. Yet, here you are practically drowning while laying in bed. This is another sign that you may need a new mattress. As your mattress loses its effectiveness in supporting your body, your spine might be positioned in the wrong way. This, in turn, may cause a nerve to be pinched. This may be the reason why you are having difficulties in breathing.

Better Sleep On A Different Bed

Have you ever stayed at a hotel and found that you get better sleep there? Perhaps you fell asleep on your couch and woke up the next morning feeling better than you did sleeping on your bed. This is another sign that indicates your mattress may be doing more harm to your body than good. This is another sign that you may need to consider getting a new mattress. For obvious reasons, if your body is getting well rested elsewhere, your mattress may be at a point where it can no longer support your body or any amount of pressure on it. Consider replacing it. After all, you wouldn’t want to sleep on your couch every night, right? You also need to consider how you sleep when you get your next mattress. Do you sleep curled up in a fetal position, or are you a back sleeper?


Maybe you’re thinking that getting new pillows will do the trick. So you head out and purchase new pillows and wait for bedtime to test them out. It’s bedtime and you’ve jumped into bed. You’re snuggling with your new pillows and fall asleep. The next morning, you still feel tired even though you purchased new pillows. Although new pillows can add support to your head and neck, your mattress is still the one supporting your entire body. Your mattress will still need to be replaced, as new pillows are only a temporary solution. While your head is resting on the new pillow, your entire body will have to continually adjust itself in an otherwise expired mattress.

These are only a few signs that may indicate that you may need a new mattress. When purchasing a new mattress also consider your sleep position, the firmness of the mattress, and how cool you want to sleep at night. Always remember, quality sleep is as important as getting an adequate amount of sleep.

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