Freelance writing is a harder job than many people think. It requires the ability to handle an ever changing schedule, a passion to learn and write about a variety of topics, and understanding that the amount of money you are making might change frequently, for better and worse. There are, however, many positive benefits to a career in freelance writing. For those who are passionate about writing, freelancing is one of the best options available for a rewarding career.
Here are 5 benefits of freelance writing, for anyone needing a little inspiration.
1. Flexibility
Unlike a traditional 9 to 5 office job, freelance writing allows you to work on a more flexible schedule, often on your own terms or within hours that you have set for yourself. You can choose whether you want to work full or part time. You can choose when you want to take time off to rest or for a vacation. You can even write on the go, while you are on vacation! Freelancing is one of the most flexible career opportunities available, and perfect for people who prefer to set their own deadlines and do work on their own terms.
2. Work on a Variety of Topics
Freelance writing rarely gets boring, as you are often writing about a variety of topics that can change with each project you take on. One week you could be writing about Provider’s Choice Scribe Services, and the next you could be writing about social media beauty trends. This keeps things from getting boring for you, and gives you the unique opportunity to learn about a variety of topics.
3. Build Your Writing Portfolio
Even if you see freelance writing as a temporary job that is only a building block in the rest of your career, it is the perfect way to gain experience and build your writing portfolio. With a collection of projects of various topics, freelancing is a great way to establish yourself as a professional writer by gaining the tools to advance in your desired career later on.
Freelancing is not for everyone; it can be difficult for those who prefer a set routine or want to stick to a particular project or field of knowledge. For those passionate about writing who want to work on their own terms, learn about new topics and ideas, and build their writing portfolio, it is one of the best career paths to follow.