How to Get More Instagram Followers

The power of Instagram is really something, this super sleek and popular photo sharing app has grown from strength to strength in the last 5 years and since social media giants Facebook acquired the service, it has only grown bigger. For many individuals and businesses, Instagram is a fantastic way to share with the world what you are doing and businesses can use the social media channel to grow its brand, promote to clients and create a community around their company.

As with many social media channels, gaining followers is a tricky task and you need to be smart in order to amass the most followers possible. My biddy Adam Quirk and I have been working on some techniques to gain more followers and they have had great success so if you want more followers, here is how to do it.

Sharing the Love

If you want people to follow you on Instagram then you need to let them know that you are there as well as adding something to the Instagram community. In order to do this you need to be active when it comes to liking and commenting on the others. Initially you should start with those who you follow that do not follow you back, show them the love an you’ll soon see that they are more than happy to follow you back. If you have a business page then stay within your niche and like and comment on other business profiles, this will give your page some healthy exposure.

Creative Hashtagging

You should most definitely place hashtags on your posts so that they can be found by others more easily when they place a particular set of keywords into Instagram. With this being said, it is important that you come up with your own, interesting and creative hashtags which will set your page apart from the rest.

Keep it Trendy

Blazing your own trail will help to set your page apart but it is equally important that you stay on top of what is trending across social media. If you are actively sharing relevant photos about a trending topic, you will be increasing the chances of more people seeing and finding your page and then following it. Make sure that within the originality that you are sprinkling throughout your Instagram page, there is plenty of trending topics which you are on top of.

Call to Action

Instagram may be a photo sharing site but that is not to say that words are not important, they most certainly are and you should add some calls to action to you posts to gain better engagement and expose your page that little bit more. A call to action can be anything from asking for people’s opinions to a ‘like if you agree’ comment below your post. Remember that Instagram is a community and everyone wants to have their say, you can increase followers if you give them the opportunity to do so.

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