6 Things You Need To DO When Getting Started on Youtube


Everyone may wonder why YouTube is so popular. The answer is simple, video-wise, it has everything! From news, entertainment, music, documentaries to personal video clippings of individuals doing what they love – name it and YouTube certainly has it! It is a huge plus that it is very easy to use. That’s why almost everyone has a video uploaded on YouTube nowadays.

If you’re planning to create one now, here are 6 things you need to do when getting started on YouTube:

  • First, you should define your objectives on creating a YouTube channel and your target audience. And the easiest way to do that is to ask yourself, what kind of videos you want to share? What do you want to achieve? Who do you want to watch it? Once you figure everything out, everything else will run smoothly.

Planning it ahead of time is always the key to get you closer to success and avoid disappointment on the result that will eventually lead to abandoning your channel.

  • Planning stage, check. The next stage will be the actual creation of your YouTube channel (1). In here, you must choose a name that for your channel. Your channel’s name may live for the longest time on the internet, so it is best that you choose a name that describes you best, your passion or your objective. After you decide the name, you can customize your channel’s settings: upload icons or banner art, connect your social media accounts, set privacy levels, notifications settings and more.
  • YouTube channel creation, done. Now for the exciting part, video creation. “Great camera comes great video”, people love watching original videos with great quality – content, images, and audio wise (you should read this to find the best camera to buy for Youtube http://cameraseals.com/best-cameras-for-youtube-channel-2017/). Make sure you create your own within these guidelines to secure an audience. Great quality doesn’t necessarily mean to use high-end a camera or editing software. You can use simple editing software like Movavi Photo Editor or any software that you owned. The most important is the message you’re sharing on the video.

If you’re not satisfied with the result, don’t hesitate to press the delete button. Always remember, if the video doesn’t interest you, no one will.

  • Video creation, polished and done. You can now upload your video! In uploading the video make sure to fill up all the important fields that could help your video to attract audience, such as title, description and thumbnail. A little SEO Optimization would be helpful to have a good ranking on YouTube. You can place it on the title, make it descriptive and catchy, use tags and description. Check the video format and last-minute edits as well to ensure there are no error in both the video and descriptions.

Also, don’t forget to share your video on all your social media accounts. YouTube is all about sharing and social medias are the best platform to freely advertise your own videos. Just avoid spam-like comments, no one likes that.

  • Everyone may think that uploading the video is the end of the process on YouTube. No, it is not. It is only the beginning. After uploading the video, you must check and analyze the data it is receiving – how many views it gets, if it is searchable, and so on; to ensure the video is reaching its target audience. Also, you should stay engage with the audience. YouTube is not only about putting your video on the spotlight, it is about building a community where people share the same passion or interest. It is best to keep them on your side to gain their trust and support.
  • And lastly, be consistent in posting videos. This is an important strategy to ensure that your audience will stick around once they found you. Creating a schedule of upload is very helpful to keep you reminded. Also, to entice your audience, give them something to look forward to like sneak peaks of your next video. This will surely turn your audience from being viewers to long-term fans.

YouTube is, by far, the largest video website on the internet. Getting started on it may require a lot of work and patience. But overall, it is worth doing because you’re sharing what you love that can help or entertain others.

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