How To Set Up a Blog In Under an Hour

If you are looking to join the thousands of people who have set up a blog then you are in the right place to learn how. Regardless of whether you want to use your blog to vent your creativity, turn it into a business like my buddy Blake Rubin did, or try to create a community around something you love, the great news is that you can set up a blog in under and hour, with very little technical ability required. If this is something that you want to do then read on to find out how.

Name of the Domain

In order to get started you will need a name for your domain, once you have thought of one, go to the website and see if your domain name is available, if it is then great, if not then try some different variations on your name using a hyphen or a different suffix such as .org or .net. On you have found your domain then you simply need to buy it, usually you can pick up a domain for around $10 or less.

Host Your Site

Next up you need to find a home for your website and every site on the internet needs to have a hots. You can find hosting packages with ease after a quick Google search and for around $2 per month you can host your domain, once you have added it to your host site, you are ready to go.

Choose Your CMS

Content management systems like WordPress are the reason why you can set up a blog without any real technical ability. These pieces of software allow you to create and design your blog with consummate ease. Once you have elected which CMS you will use, you will need to migrate your site to them. This will be the most technical thing which you will do during this process but do not worry as the CMS will give you a step by step guide to doing so.

Design The Site

Next up comes the fun bit, designing your site, if you already have an idea for how you want your site to look then you can add your design using basic menus and color schemes which you will find on your CMS. Alternatively, if you are lacking a little bit of imagination, you can use any one of the thousands of template which have already been designed by others, simply tweak the colors and fonts and hey presto, your site is ready.

Final Pieces

The last things which you will need to do before your website is fully complete is to add all of the content which you want on the site be it videos, photos or articles. Once this is done you can add social media buttons to your blog so that people can share what they love and there you have it, your very own, fully functional blog in under 1 hour.

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