Four Different Ways You Can Keep a Better Track of Your Life in 2018

During the New Year, people usually create lists of what they want to accomplish before another year comes. However, as the days pass, a lot of those goals are shoved to the side because people tend to forget about what they set out to accomplish at the beginning of the year. If you are one of this people and you want to break this bad habit this 2018, here are four different ways of how you can keep a better track of your life


A calendar is a great way to plan out your life in the broadest sense of the word. It gives you an overview of your activities for the coming days and allows you to prepare for the important events that are coming up. However, whether you choose to use a printed version or the one in your phone, a calendar doesn’t really allow you to dive deep into how each day went. In most cases, you will use a calendar as some sort of a map to take you from one thing to another.


2018 diaries usually come in the form of blogs and social media posts. It is rare to meet a person who actually keeps a diary, writing each day down on paper. Nonetheless, a diary is an excellent way to keep your memories intact. If you’re the kind of person who likes to get sentimental, keeping a diary might be a great habit to form this year. What’s fun about a diary is that you can actually look back at your past entries and see some sort of growth or change in you. To have a physical reminder of the person you used to be is an exciting idea, isn’t it? It allows you to see where you were and how long you’ve come, to remember the emotions you’ve felt and the moments you’ve had with loved ones, and to remind yourself of where you still want to go in the future.


Look at a planner as a more detailed cousin of the calendar. With a planner, you don’t only get to plan out your days in the coming weeks, you can also create lists of the tasks you want to finish for each given day. The best thing about a planner is that it has a lot of space for when you want to be as specific as you can. If you’re the kind of person who always forgets to buy milk and eggs, a planner allows you to write them down to be reminded later.

Bullet Journal

Bullet journals have been a trend in 2017. It’s a calendar, a diary, and a planner in one—but simplified. It makes use of symbols to categorize each of your note as a task, a reminder, or a memory that you wish to keep. The efficiency of the bullet journal makes it a perfect way to keep track of one’s life if you are the kind of person who’s always busy and on the go. It doesn’t take much to maintain a bullet journal. But, at the same time, it gives you a lot of room to personalize it and be as creative as you wish.

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